That Is Heather |
I know her for years, We same school, She is cool |
That Heather, (She is Straight) I
know her for years, we met same School call The Mount school for deaf in Stoke, I am 8 and she 5 years
old, we not same class, just around of school and Playtime and funny play and silly thing and Game and went Fair, See photo we
was witch for Halloween night in our school party and past so young, Abt She 7 year old she ask me want
went her sleepover and I say yeah, All years I visit her lots and come mine too, Her Birthday and
hoilday and play and go out, I know her 13-14 years, we still visit and sleepover, I know her so well, I know
her Family well too, My Mum and her Mum was Mate too and talk lots and long talk, We help each other, I have
lots photo of us and past of School, We have been play Spice Girls for Player Show and lots People see us, It cool
time in there school, That finish school at 2002 July, we miss that school, cos that Mount school been change name school
and Deaf and Hearing Mix school 2003/4! So I leave school cos I am 16 (1999) finish school and She
14, Heather leave (1999) too then I went Derby College and I shock, I see her walk close me and I
see her and I Say (soft) Hey and what you doing here! She went Derby school too I not know that
she never told me that I know she leave school and never said where other school is, I am happy, We still see each
other in Derby cos that plane near school and college for Deaf, we fisish Derby College/School, I am leave College when
I am 18, She 16, She stay Derby college for two year, She leave Dreby college she is 18 and She went
college her near home, Just one day and Sometime She Broing or free but I still can visit and
see her, cos we live near and sometime I have Plan and phone her mum or her, I use get bus just 30 min away
or 45min if have some lots Stop and Train too cos fast, Ask her Mum or Dad pick me and me bus and walk
visit her house and see her anytime when I am Free, We have Been talk on MSN and Text each other,
It Good Still Mate for fovever!
Ha Old Photo |

We see Good Old Photo |
Andy U |

My Other Best Mate Forever |
That is Andy U (He is Gay) I know him for years same as Heather, he same my school and same Taxi to home,, we live
near, I am abt 8 and he 6 years old, When we Have boring in Taxi so have been play thing a Draw and Play Doll
and Talk, we have play Playtime with him, we not same Class, He with Heather, He have Deaf Sis, is my good Mate we same
Class and Taxi too, we have been visit his House and his Farm, a Family and Pets, so His Sis move other School when she
was 13 years old, same ago me was 1 year old then her, she leave school, so That Andy stay school, so his Mum like he with
his Sis Mix he leave school when he was abt 10 or 11, I was Alone in Taxi to Home, I not have see
him for 7 years, but have see him one day,, like a Deaf Party, Like Bowling evary year, and sometime bump
him and his Sis in Towm, cos we live near. I can't visit his House cos I am Young not know how to Bus, his house
bit far from my home, Me and him not good mate anymore so not see him, so sometime, I feel Broing and nope mate
in My home, so I think abt Andy and his Sis, I still can't visit them, I not bit ready with him cos not see them
for long ago, so he move house near my Town, that I not know, when I am 20 years old I met his Mum, I with her, what for? she help me A Sign in my college, I ask her "How Andy
and his Sis, she said they fine, and want met them, I was not bit ready,, later our free Time for my Lunch
and she say want met them now in Lunch, Then I say ok,, and met them in Cafe, I was happy see them, cos I not
see them for long time ago, I not know then near town and move it, Andy have Job it Toin&Guy, he olny Free On Tues,
he like met me Again, we Give our New Mob Num, he met me and go Town and talk and other,, when I am finish My College
at Lunch time and I met him and go Shop and help me feel like A girl and A Hair, and he show me his New House and it
was Near of Town and I visit him lots time, his Sis sometime not there,, cos she go College in Nottingham University,he
want me go his Toin&Guy and for my colour he ask me want make my Colour and Cut my Hair, cos my Hair so long and
not good look, so he cut my hair bit off, For every one month he make my change hair, Been A Pink and Blue and
Red and Blonde and Brown, other day, he ask me want go with him Nigthclub and I say yeah, and with Becky, I
sleep his House, Other day again he ask me want go Alton Tower with him on April 15th 2004, Becky come too, we have good time
in there,, it wram day, so, we stay see other each, stay make my hair and Shop and help me lots, other go Nightclub again,
that was Great Time there have met new mates, other we go see Show of his Dad Horse, on Summer, I not have see him for
one month cos I have been busy go Hoilday and other, and he have job, so On 24 aug, he phone me and want met him, I
say ok,, what time , at 12pm, he can't, he say want met at 10am, I say ok so I met him, and we have Went to
Cafe and have talk and good funny, and cos I not have see him for one
month, I miss him, so we have Best Mate, Thx Andy, he have been help me lots, we still see each Other, See you Around
Andy xxx
That My First Met Her |

Me and L..P in FYD and not know it her! me was under of girl and next of her |
L.p's Baby |

Rebecca |
That is Louise P |
That my frist girl kiss, so I f ind her,,,, We Mate |
That Louise,(She is Bisexual) I just
met her in FYD at 1997 or 1998 and we just mate for bit then not know her so much, at 2003 me and
heather talk abt her,, so she been there with me and heather in FYD,, we was shock it was her, that I not know that
it her, I just met her from Heather's,that time I not know it her so we good talk and have good funny and me
and her and heather go heather's Family for New Years at 2001-2002, we text each other was stand next me, I ask her,
"doing you like me" she say yeah, say said me was funny girl, later she sent me "want try kiss" I was neaven and I
say ok, try,, I never doing that before, I hold her hand, later when new year 2002 friework night,, I
hug her say happy new year and I feel like it, wait later, go back Heather's heather was Play Computer, me and her
was hide and ready to Kiss it, she was cool kiss, she my frist time girl of kiss, me and her and heather
went bowling and took have photo of us, she come my house for one with heather so we kiss again, so other day I Lost
her Num and e,mail, I never see her again so I lost her, I found out abt her in Fyd been with me, Other
day in 2003 I find her in Derby open, we not talk so much, cos she have boyfriend of my boyfriend John R, I
leave her, Other day again, on 2004, I met her again, other again Dreby Open and she have Daughter Four morth old,
she so sweet girl, I am happy she have Daughter so I will met My Friend John R, I not know that
he live Flat near Of her,, so I happy I met again and have mob num and e,mail, we see lots of time, I have
been look after bit of her Daughter Rebecca, we still mate again and good hug of her again, It good see her again

That Is Becky H, (She is Gay)
My First Girlfriend for 6 month, I met her at Heather's at Oct 5th 2003 and
with her in Heather's Brithday Nigthclub call Liquid, we talk each Other and with her all night, and buy her Drink and good
fun Talk us, other day, I have feel for her, then few day later, we talk on MSN and I ask her want date
with me and she said yeah,,so on Nov 19th 2003 she come my Place then went Pub for bit then went my House
and have talk and show abt my house and my Family and Cats,It late she went Back Derby,, I think abt how to
Kiss her, so we went ladies toilet, I make move first and kiss her,, bit long kiss, Then she went
back Derby, we text sent each other for bit,,so Other day heather want come see me on 21th Nov, Two day later she
come with heather again, we was went upstair for bit,Heather was Downstair play Computer, we have good
time, we have gift for our Valentine's day, we have been went Alton Towers on 15th April 2004 it
good time there, I have too Busy my college and my family, I haven't see her for ever one or two months so
I have Carzy my mind and fed up and I can't doing all same time and I dumped her, we no have talk each Other for one
or two months, so I have bit miss her cos it on summer I no have college for one month, she never Talk me On
Msn for long, Not see face to face yet, I hope we good mate in Future, xx
We Good Mate |

We still see each but I am busy, mm, |
That My First BoyFriend John R |
2000 Bf, finish then Again 2004 Bf back!! lol |
That John R, (He is Straight) my frist Boyfriend
when I am 16 year old, we met in Derby college, we with for 6 ot 7 morth, so on July 2001 I thought I never
see him again, so I back Derby again on Spet 2001, so he was there, but with new girlfriend, so I leave him and but we
still mate, I leave Derby on July 2002 and never see him again, other on 2003 I met him in Derby open with girlfriend Louise
P and just bit talk, and leave him, no see him for 1 year, I talk my other mate on msn, but he live flat near my
other mate's and he use my other mate's msn and see cam me and he was there, I was happy see him and he give
me Num mob and text each other, on July 2004, I went Derby open again on 2004 and Lousie P say John should come
Derby open and sse me but he was late sleep, so Louise P say came see John anytime, I say ok, that I not know she live near
of him, so I text John and I will met him Five day later and I met him at Train St and he say want
date with me, I say ok and met Louise and other girl Shelly and Baby. We have good talk and other, so I with John
for three month, we with again lol, It good I have him, he have funny boy and silly boy,,, but he nice boy, So Now
We Friend, I am his Girl, I still wiil visit see him, xx
That Mate Robert P From Becky's mate |
I Join mate with him, , He nice Boy, |
That Robert, (he is Gay) I just Heard him
form Becky's Mate, Becky give me his Email, and I Talk him on msn, Just few talk and help, so he ask me and he want see
me a Face to Face for his Birthday 18th, I with becky and Keiran on coach and frist met him, and he nice and funny boy, later I
met his Boyfriend Gordon and I not have talk him so lots cos he was hearing and shy, then we go to Bowling and
lhave good fun, later we go Pizza Hut and we have talk each other and go home and have drink and bit game, turth and
deal, all have funny thing,,like mix drink and wine and things, he like bit same me, he love DVD and Buffy
and Angel and Xena Warrior Princess, and Charmed, He was cool boy,
More Other My Mates